Kathie Cude

About Me & Why Functional Nutrition Will Help You Reach Your Goals


Your Struggles Are Not Normal

Whether you are struggling with gut issues, hormone imbalance, energy crashing mid-way through your day or any other symptom, it’s NOT normal… common, but not normal. Your body is telling you something is out of balance. You may have had tests run and the numbers came back “in range.” 

So why are you feeling so out of sorts? Because you are unique and there are underlying causes to your symptoms that need investigating and addressing. 

I’m Your Health Detective

As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, (FDNP), I’m your health detective.

I’m a friend, wife, mother, grandmother, volunteer, runner and dog lover who is passionate about helping others take control of their health so they can live life to the fullest, no matter what age. Like many others, as I have gotten older, I just chalked things up to “aging.” But is it? Once I started diving deeper into my own health, I discovered that we don’t have to accept this logic, because there are better answers.

When I was younger, and before there was a profession of functional health coach, I thought I was really healthy. I was always active, and that 30 plus extra pounds… I could live with that. I ate the typical Standard American Diet and thought that a lunch of under 300 calories was healthy… even if it did consist of a Heath Bar and a Diet Dr. Pepper. Spoiler alert: All calories are not the same!

Then there were the horrendous periods that I accepted as normal. When I went on birth control pills, I thought it was magic! Of course when I had fertility problems down the road, the magic definitely wore off.

It’s Time To Thrive (You Don’t Have To Simply Survive)

I’ve struggled with weight gain, estrogen dominance, sugar addiction, thyroid issues and skin problems. I look back now and see how all of the pieces fit together and can be addressed with lifestyle changes and understanding nutrition and health imbalances. This is where the detective work comes in.

One of the main reasons my clients come to me is they don’t want to spend the later years of their lives just living… they want to be thriving and free of disease. Let me share a few words from my client, Diane.

woman smiling on the beach

“After battling with my body the last 30 years on issues of major fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, overwhelm, I just chalked the symptoms up to Motherhood. As I got older, and hit the age of Menopause, my body started to change. I was always very organized, but it seemed cognitively I was slowing down. I had brain fog and embarrassing memory issues. I could not lose weight using traditional methods that had worked before. It seemed the harder I tried working out, I was still the same weight or heavier. I was developing fat on my stomach area that I had never had before and I was addicted to sugar.

One day at the doctor’s office for my yearly annual checkup, there was a poster on the wall that described my symptoms and how I should ask about hormone replacement, so I did. My doctor immediately put me on hormone replacement to cure my symptoms. I noticed I started getting a few whiskers on my face and not feeling any better. Everything my doctors had tried over the years with pills just started to add up (thyroid medication, Ambien for insomnia, Anxiety medication, etc...)

I started looking for other solutions and came across Kathie’s programs. As I talked with Kathie, I was impressed that she could take a look at my body and symptoms beyond the usual blood tests that had always come back normal. She had tests for my food sensitivities, my gut health and hormone tests to see what was going on. Eating right wasn't about will power and the denial of foods. It was about building strength and the desire to change my diet and create small habits that really has made a huge difference. I was amazed that the program involved so many of my body symptoms. It wasn't just about diet, but looking at other areas of my life.

I feel like Kathie's program has addressed the real issues that have plagued my body and I have no desire to go back to sugar or things that were taking me down the path to chronic illness/autoimmune disease. I realize now that being educated about how my body functions and all the components of sleep, food, exercise and self care are vital to my health goals. I feel like I'm being taught to take the reins on my health. Fabulously Fit has been life changing for me and it's something I can stick with because I know the why, and the how of being healthy.” ~ Diane

What changes have happened to your health that aren’t making you happy OR what changes do you WANT to see happen?

I would love to help you on your journey!

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call today and let’s talk about your goals.